Boost Membership Value In Your Association By Connecting More Often

Posted on September 11, 2020 by Membership Space
Categories: Membership
Most people join associations to make connections with their peers and potential mentors, and an organization can only experience exceptional growth by crafting engagement opportunities that make these connections possible.  Engagement is a key component as it builds loyalty by creating a sense of attachment that draws consumers back to clubs.

However, it doesn’t occur by default like some have members want to believe.  Effective engagement must be deliberately engineered and deployed in accordance with a carefully designed strategy.
The Consequences of Poor Engagement

Poor engagement is the downfall of many organizations, a weakness that destroys the value of an association and is highly capable of reducing the rate at which you recruit and retain members.  Whereas greater levels of engagement can enhance membership growth, retention, and satisfaction; the reverse will curtail an organization’s ability to remain relevant despite the advancement of membership websites.
The Easiest Way To Boost Membership Value

Since many people join associations in order to make more connections, the easiest way to boost membership value is to give your members the resources they need to pursue the connections that attracted them to your organization in the first place.  Membership websites make this possible by providing an online space through which members are able to connect.

The right approach is to deploy tools that can track these engagements, amassing data surrounding the activities of users and using it to create a targeted communication system.  The system will deliver a personalized experience tailored towards providing relevant content to the right people at the best time.
In other words, every attempt to augment membership value by magnifying engagement should start with a clear strategy that has outlined the methods.  Organizations usually use those methods to devise relevant and personalized communication that encourages their members to keep coming back.  A strategy that finds ways to connect more often not only resolves challenges facing the organization but it also improves member acquisition and retention.
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Since 2001, we have been helping association leaders more efficiently manage their day-to-day responsibilities and increase member satisfaction. Our membership management software automates common tasks and gives associations the tools, reporting and support they need.