What Does It Take To Build A Well Performing Membership Team?

Posted on October 2, 2019 by Membership Space
Categories: Membership
Very few members understand what it takes to build a well-performing team.  Often, members ask questions regarding this and membership websites struggle to answer it, even though teams are nothing new to most people.  It’s highly likely that some of your classes in school were spent teaching you how to work together in a group.  Schools teach team skills since they usually continue to serve you well into the future.

Yet, most membership websites will note that high performing teams are difficult to build.  If your team is struggling to meet your expectations, you have probably failed to put one of the following three critical elements in place.
A Common Goal

Nearly every team needs to have a shared goal.  The only way to get people from different backgrounds on the same page is to give them a shared goal.  As a result, they will have a purpose in which they can collaborate with other members.  Teams tend to fall apart in the absence of shared dreams.  In some cases, the goals are present but they haven’t been properly articulated.

In order for a team to work seamlessly towards a shared goal, they must be given a simple and effective means of communicating.  Discussion forums are typically adequate in filling this role as they provide a platform that all members can access.  Though, you could probably get your message across with email, especially when sharing documents.
Maintain Deadlines

High-performing teams have deadlines and they almost always meet them.  A deadline puts the kind of pressure on a team that requires members to come together.  Deadlines also help teams hold their members accountable.  This is because most team activities can only succeed if every member is doing their part.
Well-performing teams don’t happen by accident.  You need to take proactive steps to ensure there’s cooperation between your members.  That means providing collaborative tools, systems of record, and documents that are easy to share.
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